866-88-24784 (BIRTH)
Birthing Center/Home Birth Midwifery
Option 1
Paid in full at time of hire.
Form of payment- Cash
Option 2
Down Payment: $0.00
Even monthly payments starting at the time of hire. The balance must be paid in full by 37 weeks gestation. Monthly payments vary based on start of care date.
Extended Payment Options
Option 3
Down Payment: $1200.00
12 Monthly Payments of $425.00 - The down payment is due at the time of hire. The payment plan starts the month after the down payment is made.
Option 4
Down payment: $1200.04
18 Monthly Payments of $322.22 -The down payment is due at the time of hire. The payment plan starts the month after the down payment is made.
*Options 3 and 4 reflect patients starting care at 10 weeks gestation. If you are establishing care later in your pregnancy, the deposit and monthly payment plan will be adjusted based upon your current gestation. The amount of payments that would have been made, had you started care at 10 weeks will be added to your down payment. The length of the payment plan will then be shortened by that many payments. Establishing care later in pregnancy does not reduce the price.
Options 2-4 Forms of payment:
Cash, Check, Credit card, HSA card
*The Midwifery fees above include midwifery care with the reservation of your estimated due date in our practice. It does not guarantee home or birthing center delivery*
Additional fees: Supplements, Supplies, Labs, Medications, Ultrasounds, Newborn Screening
*We do not accept Private insurance or Medicaid*
$1600.00 - Hospital Birth
Down Payment $800.00
Final payment $800.00
due by 37 weeks
1 team of two Doulas
1-2 prenatal appointments
Early labor phone./text support
Attendance at birth starting in active labor
(6cm with strong and regular contractions)
1 hour immediate postpartum support
1 in office postpartum
Package includes up to 12 hours of active labor support. Hourly rate of $25.00 an hour applies after 12 hours of attendance.
Our Doulas work in a team model and share a call schedule. Both Doulas will attend your prenatal appointments With one Doula being on call to attend your birth. The doula who attends your birth will provide your in office postpartum appointment.
$1500.00 Home Birth/Birthing Center
Down Payment $750.00
Final payment $750.00
due by 37 weeks
1 team of two Doulas
1-2 prenatal appointments
Early labor phone/text support
Attendance at birth starting in active labor.
In the case of transport- hospital support until a care plan is determined
Package includes up to 12 hours of active labor support. Hourly rate of $25.00 an hour applies after 12 hours of attendance.
Our Doulas work in a team model and share a call schedule. Both Doulas will attend your prenatal appointments With one Doula being on call to attend your birth.
Hiring a Birth Doula can lead to a
Check out https://evidencebasedbirth.com/the-evidence-for-doulas/ for more information and a free printout.
Postpartum midwifery services are for those not in our care for pregnancy, but desire postpartum midwifery services.
5 Postpartum visits
In office appointments:
Day 3; Weeks 1, 2, 4, and 6
Schedule is subject to change based on availability.
Approximately 98% of women in the United States give birth within the hospital system. Women are discharged at 24 to 48 hours post birth, depending on the type of delivery they experienced. At the time of discharge, the focus completely shifts to infant care through pediatrics. The mother is left to recover both physically and emotionally while acclimating to life with a new baby on her own.
While the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) released a statement in 2018 to redesign the postpartum "4th trimester," most women in America still only see their provider 1 time after giving birth. This visit typically takes place at 6 weeks postpartum.
To offer contrast on how other maternity care systems in the world handle the postpartum recovery period for women and babies, take a look below:
United Kingdom: 4 visits (midwifery based)
Scotland: 3-4 visits (midwifery based)
Ireland: 3-5 visits (midwifery based)
Netherlands: Depending on particular circumstances, the hours a woman is entitled to a kraamzorg (Maternity Nurse) will vary. The minimum amount of time is 24 hours and the maximum is 80 hours. These are spread out over the first 8-10 days immediately following the birth.
Switzerland: For postpartum care at home during the first 56 days after birth, midwives may conduct up to 10 home visits for normal births and up to 16 home visits depending on whether the baby was born prematurely, by cesarean section or in certain other cases.
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A preconception appointment will last approximately 1.5-2 hours.
What to expect at this appointment:
Medical History
Eating well for your future baby
Healthy lifestyle habits
Reducing exposure to toxins
Food Journaling
Ordering of labs
Your questions answered.
Pregnancy tea 4 oz bag
Makes 4 quarts of Infusion
Organic Red Raspberry Leaves: Contains Vitamins A, B, and E, as well as Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and an acid neutralizer. It is a well known uterine tonic, promoting effective uterine contractions and lessening postpartum pain and bleeding. It is also a hormonal regulator. Organic Stinging Nettle: The stinging nettle is a blood cleansing and blood building herb that promotes optimal iron absorption. It helps to relieve vascular problems common in pregnancy or prevent them all together. Organic Oat straw: A good source of magnesium and silica. Organic Rose hips: Vitamin C. Organic Red Clover: Blood purifier Alfalfa: Contains Vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K, as well as Calcium and Phosphorus. This tea is beneficial before, during, and after pregnancy.
Postpartum Herbal Baths pack of 2
One Sache yields one bath
Organic Lavender Flowers ~ Antiseptic Properties and Relaxing
Myrrh ~ Antiseptic Properties
Organic Calendula ~ Helps to Heal Tissue
Organic Comfrey ~ Helps to Heal Tissue
Organic Plantain~ Astringent, Helps to heal tissue
Sea Salt
We offer the Raw method of encapsulation which involves directly dehydrating the placenta without steaming. The dehydrated placenta is then ground into a fine powder and encapsulated.
4 oz Tincture add on
A small piece of raw placenta is tinctured for 6 weeks and is then strained. Pickup can be arranged at either office location.
Boy or Girl?
Know sooner than ever before with SneakPeek® Clinical Early Gender DNA Test. The only 99.9% accurate early gender DNA test, starting at 6 weeks into pregnancy.
SneakPeek Clinical by Gateway Genomics is the only clinically proven early gender DNA test that lets you discover your baby’s gender months ahead of schedule, so you can prepare for your little one and share with family and friends! The test uses non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to look for male Y chromosomes from a small sample of your blood. If male Y chromosomes are found, that means baby is a boy. If none are found, baby is a girl. SneakPeek is the leading provider and most accurate early gender DNA test on the market. For more information: